Thursday, April 8, 2010

A tree in phases

This morning while I took Cookie for her morning walk, I noticed that the tree in the backyard was absent its crispy brown leaves that refused to fall in Autumn. They started falling a few days ago, as the leaves made room for the new buds, harbingers of spring.

But this morning, I noticed that about 1/3 of the tree's budding leaves were opened and uncurled. Another 1/3 were just starting to curl out of their bud like some bizarre science fair experiment. And 1/3 were still tight little green and white buds.

It's a tree in phases. I for one am quite happy the old crunchy leaves are gone, and that the green is returning. Spring is here ... even if tonight's temperatures don't reflect that.

In just a few days, the world outside will go from tight little buds to a glorious explosion of green. Trees along roadways look almost like they're on fire with green, or at least sporting a bizarre green glow. And before you know it ... BAM! All the leaves are out.

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